❤️-vir-lees / ❤️2read
Our Year 9 class came up with the idea of a buddy reading system after an Afrikaans unit on literacy. Every Friday the Year 9’s listen to the Year 4 class and 5 class reading from their reader and then continue reading to the younger ones.

The students were asked what did you like about the ️-vir-lees /
Tyler (Year 9) had the following to say: I liked helping them read and learning about them. I so enjoyed spending time with younger children. It worked to let them take turns reading so they both got a chance and also to get to know them so I knew what they were nervous about. I think reading with them makes me more confident because I am usually shy. I got to be outside of my comfort zone.
I liked that we all read. Reilly (Year 5)
I enjoyed when my reading partner and I got to know each other. I also enjoyed when I was reading to her. I would change me being a little nervous. Mené (Year 5)