Helderberg International School 2023 Gratitude Journal
1 December 2023
As the end of yet another brim-full school year approaches, we would do well to look back and reflect on the year of 2023. There is much for which to be grateful.
Personally, I am thankful to have the privilege and honour of working with an amazing team of people, every single one an essential link in the woven net that carries the important cargo of our future. When I think of my colleagues, I cannot but help to be awestruck by the incredible strength hidden beneath the selfless, caring heart of the school staff. Additionally, I am incredibly grateful for a supportive parent body, and for the equally selfless parents who can be relied upon to help to take the ordinary school day to extraordinary levels throughout the year.
I am grateful that each day is filled with laughter, wonder, precious smiles, and ‘joie de vivre’ at all that life has to offer. What a privilege it is to experience life through the eyes of children every day!
With the thought of gratitude and appreciation in mind and heart, this week I set off to see what the rest of the school community had to say. Read what some of our students and teachers had to say below. It was a heart-warming exercise and is highly recommended as a family activity.
Warm regards
Cris Sanchez Black
Gratitude thoughts from our students and teachers
I am thankful for having a nice teacher. – Eun Ho, Year 6
I am grateful for grace and intention at the school. – Lisa, Year 10
Lots of new people have joined the school. And the aircon. – Rabia, Year 7
Getting a good education. – Nini, Year 6
Outings to Intaka Island and the local library. – Bjorn, Year 7
All the teachers and friends. – Holly, Year 3
My teacher. – Giorgia, Year 1 (A sentiment echoed by many)
My teachers and my principal and being a flag raiser. -Blessing, Year 6
Maths. – Lipathe, Year 3 (Not widely recognised as a blessing)
Playing with my friends in the new playground. – Hannah, Year 2
The friends I have made along the way – high school friends are very different to primary school friends. And the wellness day. – Jemma, Year 8
My teacher who understands everyone. – Ava S., Year 6
Miss Fraser, new friends, the Peter Pan production, being a bell ringer. Caleb, Year 6
Writing sentences. – Munrow, Year 2
The friends I’ve made. I’m grateful to be moving on to Year 9. – Karabo, Year 8
A lot! Nice teachers, nice environment, playing with friends… – Cole, Year 6
Friends, teachers and to be in the school. The education here. – Mlibo, Year 4
Teachers help you get past your boundaries and don’t leave you behind. – Yann, Year 6
Camp. – Jessica, Year 4
Camp and my test marks. – Abigail, Year 4
From the first day, friends were kind and generous. – Bethany, Year 4
The freedom to be able to take breaks. – Lily, Year 7
Revision material. – Nina, Year 7
For generosity and hard work. – Miss Ashley Fraser
Being out on break duty, looking at the mountains and trees and enjoying the children swinging. – Miss Terena van Zyl
The visit from head office and the teamwork observed in preparation. – Mrs Jolene Faria
That we are all trying to be kinder; for children growing in kindness. – Mrs Lara Jelbert
I was really grateful on Friday to spend the time at Spier with the staff and students. I think everyone had such a lovely day. Just to have a day to breathe. – Mrs Nicci Geyer
I am thankful for the community we have at school. I am thankful for the challenges that have allowed ongoing growth and for all the fun moments we have had in class. I am thankful for all the passion I saw on the soccer field and netball court and the perseverance. I am thankful for the courage our musical students have shown and for their beautiful performances. Lastly, I’m thankful for all the extra activities I could be part of- the leadership camp, wellness days and so on. – Miss Andreia Caldeira
I’m thankful that I have the opportunity to teach at a small school with a big heart, serving to inspire and educate young minds, contributing to their growth and playing a crucial role in shaping their future, helping them to realise their potential and dreams, also appreciating the support from my caring colleagues in making a positive impact and the diverse learning experiences this role provides. – Mrs Lynda Leibbrandt
What I’m grateful for at school is for my colleagues and our team. I have made great friendships here and I have never had a day we’re I feel I don’t want to be here because of the people. I find my support here at school. I’m grateful that I get to know my students at a deeper level and establish a relationship with them, something that is not possible in bigger schools. – Mrs Mariana Quintero
It would be being able to understand myself and unlocking my work ethic. – Joe, Year 11
I am grateful for the chances and times I spent hanging out with friends that I know I may never see again after they leave. Though we have communication, stuff just happens. – Levi, Year 9
I’m grateful for the fact that I was able to grow and learn from many different situations, doesn’t matter if the situation was good or bad, a lesson was always learnt. – Olivia, Year 11
I’m grateful of how my parents are investing so much money into my education. I’m also grateful of my 2 close friends who’ve accepted me with open arms in their friend group and have made me comfortable around them without having to hide my big personality. – Esi, Year 8
When I look back on the year, the one thing I’m most grateful for is my parents, given all they have done for me. – Gadijah, Year 8
Looking back at the past year with my school at HIS I have so much to be grateful for. I’m greatful for the family that Is my school, that comes together to work as a team to create a fun and academic environment, as well as teachers who are willing to give students individual assistance in work which negates the feeling of just being a number, as I have felt In larger public schools. And I can’t forget about my amazing piers whom which have become my family and some of my closest friends. – Connor B, Year 11
I am incredibly grateful for every single opportunity that I’ve had to grow and improve. Sometimes it was an opportunity I really wanted, and sometimes it was an obstacle that I had to overcome. Either way, I’ve come out the other side stronger! – Connor S, Year 11
Something I am grateful for this year is, firstly to be the house representative of 2023. It was a big honor working alongside and helping out Mrs. Schell and working with my classmates to plan and create fun sports days. Another thing I’m grateful for is my teachers that helped me to get the good marks I got for my IG’s. I was definitely not able to do so well without their guidance and teachings. – Jaco, Year 11
Gratitude, I am grateful for the privilege I have to be able to go to school that works to help me succeed in life. I’m grateful for the many friends I acquired this year who have been a support system through the rough times. Most of all, I’m grateful for the people who believe in me, my aspirations and my abilities. – Imitha, Year 10
I am grateful for so many things this year! Even during the lows I’ve had things to be grateful for. I am so grateful for my teachers who have so much passion for their job and care for their students. They have really supported me and have been there for me during a really difficult time of my life. I’m also extremely grateful to my family and that we’ve been able to bless so many people this year; that I’ve been able to reconnect with old friends and that i was given the opportunity to help with children at an international conference. I have so much love for people especially children so that was such a blessing! – Tyler, Year 11
I am grateful for the fact that I can be in a privileged School which provides me with excellent academics and opportunities. Expect for the high quality standards in acedemics , my school ensures you as a student get valued for your character and whom you are as a person. – Althea, Year 10
This year I am grateful to the school for giving me opportunities to play the piano for others. Also for the teacher’s guidance in helping me to do my best and for my friends who make me laugh! – Andrew, Year 9